Rock Island County, Illinois
General Use Regulation Ordinance (PDF Document - Opens in new window - 85.8 KB)
The General Use Regulation Ordinance is available on this page in its entirety (see link above), as a .pdf document. In addition, the Preamble and each chapter are offered separately as individual PDF documents (shown below).
Table of Contents
Chapter I - Public Use
- Section 1: Public Use & Purpose
- Section 2: Hours of Use
- Section 3: Permits
Chapter II - Protections of Property Structures and Natural Resources
- Section 1: Destruction or Misuse of Property and Structures
- Section 2: Destruction or Misuse of Natural Resources
- Section 3: Contraband
- Section 4: Destruction by or Misuse of Fire
Chapter III - Regulation of Sports and Games
- Section 1: Swimming
- Section 2: Water Craft
- Section 3: Engine Powered Models or Toys
- Section 4: Horseback Riding
- Section 5: Bicycling
- Section 6: Sound or Energy Amplification
- Section 7: Winter Sports
- Section 8: Field and Team Sports
- Section 9: Amusement Contraptions
- Section 10: Aviation
- Section 11: Gambling
- Section 12: Camping Regulations and Restrictions
Chapter IV - Regulation of Motorized Vehicles, Traffic and Parking
- Section 1: Vehicle Operation & Equipment
- Section 2: Vehicle Types & Access Allowed
- Section 3: Right of Way
- Section 4: Parking
- Section 5: Speed Limit
Chapter V - Regulation of Personal Conduct & Behavior
- Section 1: Vending & Advertising
- Section 2: Unlawful Obstructions
- Section 3: Unlawful Construction or Maintenance
- Section 4: Drug or Alcohol Abuse
- Section 5: Weapons & Harmful Substances
- Section 6: Hindering or Bribing Employees
- Section 7: Control & Treatment of Animals
- Section 8: Commercial Photography
- Section 9: Honoring Permits
- Section 10: Pyrotechnics
Chapter VI - Enforcement
- Section 1: Police
- Section 2: Two Penalties - One Judgment
- Section 3: Fines and Penalties
- Section 4: Authority of Other Agencies
- Section 5: Eviction
- Section 6: Permits & Designated Areas - Authority
- Section 7: Civil Suits
- Section 8: State, United States & Local Laws
Chapter VII - Construction of Words and Definitions
- Section 1: Construction of Words
- Section 2: Definitions
Chapter VIII - Miscellaneous
- Section 1: Conflict
- Section 2: Enactment
- Section 3: Captions & Headings
- Section 4: Sever ability
- Section 5: Copies
Chapter IX - Amendments