Niabi Zoo Oversight Committee
Functions of the Niabi Zoo Oversight Committee:
The purpose of the Niabi Zoo Oversight Committee was to assist the Forest Preserve Executive Committee & Commission with the implementation of the approved November 2015 Updated Strategic Action Plan for Niabi Zoo through advisement and recommendation.
The Niabi Zoo Oversight Committee assisted the Forest Preserve Commission through recommendation in the following:
- hiring of marketing partner to expand and educate the community on the Zoo's purpose and mission.
- assisted in the selection process for new leadership with the hiring of Zoo Director, Lee Jackson, after a nationwide search.
- drafted the documents and structure of the current Community Advisory Board.
- identifing capital improvements for operational stability and enhancing the visitor experience.
- aligned the management structure of the Zoo to those of similar modern zoological institutions.
- increased public confidence in the management and governance of the Zoo.
- provided additional fiscal oversight and recommendations for operational efficiencies.
- developed greater awareness of the Zoo's role in the community and the need to support.
- positioned the Zoo for future growth and development.
Upon the approval of the Resolution by the Forest Preserve Commission in July of 2017 to create the Community Advisory Board the Niabi Zoo Oversight Committee was dissolved. The Forest Preserve Commission extends a sincere Thank You to those who selflessly served on the Niabi Zoo Oversight Committee.